Sunday, October 10, 2010

....when Friends become Family

Chettto Face..did i mention i love this face!!!

Distanace can put a strain on friendships but its funny bc i think me and haley have been through so much in our friendship she is like my family now no matter how mad we get were still friends at the end of the day. no matter how long we go without being attached at the hip we act like we never were apart. Shes a great friend and i adore her:) and my our kids act like best friends which is soo cute to watch. haley your an amamzing person i love you to death!! Today was such a good day!! Ugh still thinking about how many days i have left with my hubs and to a normal person the number wouldnt be so bad but to me its a horrible reminder of how many days til hes gone for 365 days!! BOOO!!., also at the "frg" meeting i was known as the girl with the punk hair (hints the red in my hair) doesnt make me a punk makes me a "betty" Im me., i dont follow crowds and i love my own style!! and i love that i have my own:))

all 3 boys :))

Tristan watching cartoons with Brad

Troy outside with brad today:))

The boys are like Bff's now even T said so

i got roses toooooooday!! ilove mt HUBBBBYS

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